IPA Day 2017 - If I Owned a Bar

I'm seeing all sorts of posts from back in Houston and other major cities and breweries about celebrating IPA day. Meanwhile, here in Ithaca I haven't seen a thing. So, it got me thinking. What would I do? If I owned a bar in Ithaca, what local(ish) IPAs would I have on tap? So, I made a list.

Without further ado, here's my 10 tap lineup of NY IPAs, plus a few on backup, because obviously we'd blow through at least a few kegs. I kept this to ~2 hours from Ithaca--essentially Cooperstown to the east, Syracuse to the north, Binghamton/Elmira to the south, and Rochester to the west.

  1. Flower Power by Ithaca Beer Company. I can't possibly have IPA Day with the local pioneer. Afterall, Food and Wine Magazine even included Flower Power as one of the "most important craft beers ever brewed"
  2. Mass Riot by Prison City Brewpub. This one may be a longshot, but how special a tap would that be to have in town? Mass Riot by Prison City in Auburn was rated the best IPA by Paste Magazine in a 2016 blind taste test. This would be an ideal beer on tap.
  3. The Ruckus by Aurora Ale & Lager. This nanobrewery out in Aurora packs a punch with this IPA. 
  4. Falcon Punch by Lucky Hare. Quite possibly my favorite brewery in the nearby region. They do a variety of styles and do them very well, including this IPA.
  5. IPW by Upstate Brewing Company. One of my favorites when I can find it fresh, which is too rare. Marriage of an IPA and a wheat and on this tap list provides a nice contrast, while still packed with IPA flavor. (If could get a special keg of a smaller release, like their Oat IPA for instance, I'd take that too!)
  6. The Big Broadcast by War Horse Brewing. This is a big one (9% ABV). Teddy Roosevelt don't play. 
  7. Andromeda by Galaxy. A really solid IPA from an underappreciated brewery in the area. They seem to have a new direction as of late, with a much more active social media presence and live music. I hope they are sticking around, as they've done some nice things with hops.
  8. Blight Buster by Good Nature Farm Brewery. Was going to do their Annie here, but thought one of their more recent smaller releases would be a nice treat. Also considered their Non-stop Hop Onslaught to bring a session IPA to the table.
  9. Space Kitty by Rohrbach. Let's get another double on the list. Considered Horseheads here (can't see their fugly labels on a tap), but reached out to Rochester with this one.
  10. Fricken Wicked by Full Boar. Curveball here. I expected my tap list would include Empire, but it was a tough cut down. At the end of the day, Fricken Wicked was just too fricken good to leave off. Another Syracuse brewery I would consider here would be Willow Rock, as they have been churning out some good beer.

My #IPAday tap list includes the Ruckus by Aurora Ale and Lager.
Wanna fight about it?
Whew. That was tough. And these kegs will be priced to kick. I'm thinking $3-4 per pint and $2-3 per half pint--because not enough places do half pints! Now here's my back up selection:
  1. Naked Pilgrim by Ithaca Beer Company. I'm just going to hope they have this or something similar. Replaces either Flower Power as the local option or Fricken Wicked as a NEIPA option. The other "local" I'd consider here? Another Lucky Hare: Millenial Falcon Punch -OR- Aurora Ale and Lager: Rakau the Chef.
  2. DIPA by Horseheads Brewing Company. A lot of folks love it, and as I mentioned, if it's on tap you can't see their hideous bottle labels. Steps in for another DIPA.
  3. Too Kind by Three Heads Brewing. A solid option, reaching back up to the Rochester area. Another DIPA replacement.
  4. Nirvana by Ommegang. It's Ommegang and it's, of course, well-made.
  5. IPA by Swiftwater. Another Rocherster brew.
  6. Alleghany IPA by Four Mile. Just a bit over the 2 hour reach, so this will end the list. I've heard good things, but only had one chance to try it...but picked Sloop instead. Which brings me to...

Ideally, I have more than ten taps to dedicate to this in which case I take this further out, yet still in NY. Here's some of the other breweries I would add in if looking beyond 2 hours: Sloop, Newburgh, Equilibrium, Grimm, Barrier, Threes, Other Half, Finback, Big Ditch, Thin Man, Community Beer Co, and Southern Tier Beer Co.

New York sure has come a long way with its beer in recent years. Is this list unreasonable? I don't think so. Just need a place that'll put it all together. But maybe the demand just isn't there? Price it right and they will come.

What am I missing? Where have I gone wrong?


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