Addition by Subtraction
One could say it has been a while. A lot of things have happened over the last few years and I haven't had the energy (or honestly interest) to write here anymore. But, every once and a while the itch comes back. So, here I am again putting fingers to the keyboard. And what better timing than as spring approaches--a time for renewal and rejuvenation!
It is also the time of year where folks may commit to giving something up for Lent. As a former Catholic, the thought of doing so always nags at me this time of year, though I rarely follow through completely. Fun fact: the etymology of Lent is tied to the idea of the lengthening of days and the spring season. There's a related word for this in the Mohawk language to represent the month of March: Ennisko:wa
As I think of the days getting longer and the coming spring, I thought less of taking something away this Lent, and more of adding something into my life. But this addition was going to be done through subtraction still! I want to add a general feeling of wellness--both mentally and physically. With everything going around (WWIII threatening, a continuing pandemic, crumbling democracy etc), it has become increasingly difficult to focus on being well. As I stress and dwell on these matters, I may find myself grabbing a beer (or two) extra. And as I do, I might neglect the other things I need to do to feel healthy. I fall into bad eating habits. I don't feel like getting in some extra exercise. I stray away from getting out and moving--and getting the kids out doing the same. So, this season I'm choosing to add to my health. And also give up beer for the next 40 days. Say whaaaaat???
It certainly seems weird to get back to writing in my beer-focused blog during 40 days of not drinking beer, but perhaps it isn't really that weird at all. I'm hoping this time gives me an opportunity to re-center my health and perhaps provide a bit of clarity around continuing this blog or retiring it forever. I hope I stick through the full length of this commitment and hopefully it brings some good habits back into my routine--any maybe this blog will be a good outlet to document thoughts/feelings along the way and enjoy beer through a different medium ;-)
Cheers! <clinks water bottle>
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