A Year of Beer: 2018

Apparently it is now the year 2019. I'm not sure exactly when that happened. A few days ago says the calendar. But really, I'm not sure where the last few months went. Working at a university, I tend to measure time in semesters. This last one went by in a blur. Perhaps it was being out of commission for a few weeks with a ruptured appendix. Perhaps it's an age thing. Either way, here we are! I've got some goals for 2019. I may not call them resolutions per se, but certainly things I hope to accomplish/change in the new year. But first, a quick look back at some of the awesome beer I've had the pleasure of imbibing this past year. The Standouts While there have been many, many great beers this past year, I think the beers I've had from Other Half and Threes Brewing standout the most when looking back. We stumbled into what was left of an Other Half tap takeover at Tap and Mallet on one of our trips to Rochester this year and also had more at the New York C...